Same Day S.E.C. Form Filing Services 

Same Day S.E.C. Form Filing Services

The old saying “money never sleeps” may be true, but the Securities and Exchange Commission does. We mean that they do take days off and private companies and public companies looking to file forms with the Securities and Exchange Commission have to do so during business hours.

We offer same-day SEC form filing services.  Documents that need to be submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission need to go through the Edgar database. This is the database owned by the Securities and Exchange Commission we’re all forms and reports are filed. At times, a company will need to have a reference number in order to file with the SEC. This reference number, given by the SEC, is only good for the same day as the filing. This means that anyone filing forms must do so in an expedited process on the same business day as the reference number is given. For this reason, many filings with the SEC must be done on the same business day in which a company receives a reference number.

Also, many forms and documents that need to be filed on the Edgar database with the Securities and Exchange Commission need to be put in a format that is accepted by the Edgar database. This is true of many of the financial projections which come in XBLR, HTML format or XML. These documents need to be edgarized in order to be accepted by the Edgar database.

Our process for filing forms, documents and reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Edgar database is simple, efficient and professional. Documents, reports and forms received before 12 noon eastern time can generally be submitted on the same business day. Exceptions can be made in certain circumstances for filings needed after 12 noon eastern time. Once we receive the form to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, we proofread the form and then edgarize the form to make sure it is accepted by the SEC. Then we submit the form through the Edgar database and send our clients proof of submission.

If you are in need to file a form with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contact us todaySEC Form Filing Service.

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